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 * Test taxonomic unit construction and matching.

const chai = require('chai');
const phyx = require('../src');

// Use Chai's expect API.
const expect = chai.expect;

 * We primarily test two classes here:
 *  - TaxonomicUnitWrapper, which wraps a taxonomic unit and determines if it
 *    refers to a scientific name, specimen identifier or external reference,
 *    or a combination of these.
 *  - TaxonomicUnitMatcher, which accepts two taxonomic units and determines
 *    whether and for what reason the two can be matched.

describe('TaxonomicUnitWrapper', function () {
  describe('#constructor given no arguments', function () {
    it('should create an empty TaxonomicUnitWrapper without a defined label', function () {
      // Empty TU without @type.
      let wrapper = new phyx.TaxonomicUnitWrapper({});

      // Empty TU with type TYPE_TAXON_CONCEPT.
      wrapper = new phyx.TaxonomicUnitWrapper({
        '@type': phyx.TaxonomicUnitWrapper.TYPE_TAXON_CONCEPT,

      // Empty TU with type TYPE_SPECIMEN.
      wrapper = new phyx.TaxonomicUnitWrapper({
        '@type': phyx.TaxonomicUnitWrapper.TYPE_SPECIMEN,

      // Empty TU with type TYPE_SPECIMEN and a taxonomic name.
      wrapper = new phyx.TaxonomicUnitWrapper({
        '@type': phyx.TaxonomicUnitWrapper.TYPE_SPECIMEN,
        nameString: 'Taxonomic name',
  describe('#label given a taxonomic unit', function () {
    it('should return a wrapped scientific name', function () {
      const wrapper = new phyx.TaxonomicUnitWrapper({
        '@type': phyx.TaxonomicUnitWrapper.TYPE_TAXON_CONCEPT,
        hasName: {
          label: 'Ornithorhynchus anatinus (Shaw, 1799)',
          nameComplete: 'Ornithorhynchus anatinus',
      expect(wrapper.label).to.equal('Ornithorhynchus anatinus (Shaw, 1799)');
    it('should return a wrapped specimen identifier preceded by "Specimen"', function () {
      const wrapper = new phyx.TaxonomicUnitWrapper({
        '@type': phyx.TaxonomicUnitWrapper.TYPE_SPECIMEN,
        occurrenceID: 'MVZ 225749',
      expect(wrapper.label).to.equal('Specimen MVZ 225749');
    it('should return specimens with an occurrenceID as well as a taxon concept', function () {
      const wrapper = new phyx.TaxonomicUnitWrapper({
        '@type': [
        nameString: 'Rana luteiventris',
        occurrenceID: 'MVZ 225749',
      expect(wrapper.label).to.equal('Specimen MVZ 225749 identified as Rana luteiventris');
    it('should ignore occurrence ID if typed as a taxon concept', function () {
      const wrapper = new phyx.TaxonomicUnitWrapper({
        '@type': phyx.TaxonomicUnitWrapper.TYPE_TAXON_CONCEPT,
        nameString: 'Rana luteiventris',
        occurrenceID: 'MVZ 225749',
      expect(wrapper.label).to.equal('Rana luteiventris');
    it('should return a wrapped external reference by surrounding it with "<>"', function () {
      const wrapper = new phyx.TaxonomicUnitWrapper({
        '@id': [
    it('should provide both taxon name and occurrence ID in label, but ignore external reference', function () {
      const wrapper = new phyx.TaxonomicUnitWrapper({
        '@id': [
        '@type': phyx.TaxonomicUnitWrapper.TYPE_SPECIMEN,
        nameString: 'Rana luteiventris',
        occurrenceID: 'MVZ 225749',
      expect(wrapper.label).to.equal('Specimen MVZ 225749 identified as Rana luteiventris');
  describe('#fromLabel', function () {
    it('should return empty lists when inputs are empty or undefined', function () {
      expect(phyx.TaxonomicUnitWrapper.fromLabel('    ')).to.be.undefined;
    it('when given a scientific name, it should return a list of a single TU wrapping a scientific name', function () {
      expect(phyx.TaxonomicUnitWrapper.fromLabel('Rana luteiventris MVZ225749'))
          '@type': 'http://rs.tdwg.org/ontology/voc/TaxonConcept#TaxonConcept',
          label: 'Rana luteiventris MVZ225749',
          hasName: {
            '@type': 'http://rs.tdwg.org/ontology/voc/TaxonName#TaxonName',
            label: 'Rana luteiventris MVZ225749',
            genusPart: 'Rana',
            specificEpithet: 'luteiventris',
            nameComplete: 'Rana luteiventris',
    it('when given a scientific name separated with underscores, it should return a list of a single TU wrapping the scientific name', function () {
          '@type': 'http://rs.tdwg.org/ontology/voc/TaxonConcept#TaxonConcept',
          label: 'Rana_luteiventris_MVZ_225749',
          hasName: {
            '@type': 'http://rs.tdwg.org/ontology/voc/TaxonName#TaxonName',
            label: 'Rana_luteiventris_MVZ_225749',
            nameComplete: 'Rana luteiventris',
            genusPart: 'Rana',
            specificEpithet: 'luteiventris',
  describe('#asOWLEquivClass', function () {
    it('when given a taxon concept, only the complete name should be present in the equivClass', function () {
      const wrapper = new phyx.TaxonomicUnitWrapper({
        '@type': phyx.TaxonomicUnitWrapper.TYPE_TAXON_CONCEPT,
        nameString: 'Rana luteiventris Thompson, 1913',
        '@type': 'owl:Restriction',
        onProperty: 'http://rs.tdwg.org/ontology/voc/TaxonConcept#hasName',
        someValuesFrom: {
          '@type': 'owl:Restriction',
          onProperty: 'http://rs.tdwg.org/ontology/voc/TaxonName#nameComplete',
          hasValue: 'Rana luteiventris',
    it('when given a specimen, only the occurrence ID should be present in the equivClass', function () {
      const wrapper = new phyx.TaxonomicUnitWrapper({
        '@type': phyx.TaxonomicUnitWrapper.TYPE_SPECIMEN,
        nameString: 'Rana luteiventris',
        occurrenceID: 'MVZ 225749',
        '@type': 'owl:Restriction',
        onProperty: 'http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/occurrenceID',
        hasValue: 'MVZ 225749',

describe('TaxonomicUnitMatcher', function () {
  // To test matching, let's set up some taxonomic units.
  // Note that:
  //  tunit1 and tunit2 should match by scientific name.
  //  tunit2 and tunit3 should match by specimen identifier.
  //  tunit3 and tunit4 should match by external references.
  const tunit1 = {
    '@type': phyx.TaxonomicUnitWrapper.TYPE_TAXON_CONCEPT,
    hasName: {
      nameComplete: 'Rana luteiventris',
  const tunit2 = {
    '@type': [
    nameString: 'Rana luteiventris MVZ225749',
    occurrenceID: 'MVZ225749',
  const tunit3 = {
    '@type': phyx.TaxonomicUnitWrapper.TYPE_SPECIMEN,
    occurrenceID: 'MVZ225749',
    '@id': 'http://arctos.database.museum/guid/MVZ:Herp:225749',
  const tunit4 = {
    '@id': 'http://arctos.database.museum/guid/MVZ:Herp:225749',

  describe('#matchByNameComplete', function () {
    it('should be able to match tunit1 and tunit2 by complete name', function () {
      expect(new phyx.TaxonomicUnitMatcher(tunit1, tunit2).matchByExternalReferences()).to.be.false;
      expect(new phyx.TaxonomicUnitMatcher(tunit1, tunit2).matchByOccurrenceID()).to.be.false;
      expect(new phyx.TaxonomicUnitMatcher(tunit1, tunit2).matchByNameComplete()).to.be.true;
  describe('#matchByExternalReferences', function () {
    it('should be able to match tunit3 and tunit4 by external references', function () {
      expect(new phyx.TaxonomicUnitMatcher(tunit3, tunit4).matchByExternalReferences()).to.be.true;
      expect(new phyx.TaxonomicUnitMatcher(tunit3, tunit4).matchByOccurrenceID()).to.be.false;
      expect(new phyx.TaxonomicUnitMatcher(tunit3, tunit4).matchByNameComplete()).to.be.false;
  describe('#matchByOccurrenceID', function () {
    it('should be able to match tunit2 and tunit3 by specimen identifiers', function () {
      expect(new phyx.TaxonomicUnitMatcher(tunit2, tunit3).matchByExternalReferences()).to.be.false;
      expect(new phyx.TaxonomicUnitMatcher(tunit2, tunit3).matchByOccurrenceID()).to.be.true;
      expect(new phyx.TaxonomicUnitMatcher(tunit2, tunit3).matchByNameComplete()).to.be.false;
  describe('#matched and #matchReason', function () {
    it('should match tunit1 and tunit2 on the basis of identical complete names', function () {
      const matcher = new phyx.TaxonomicUnitMatcher(tunit1, tunit2);
      expect(matcher.matchReason).to.include('share the same complete name');

    it('should match tunit3 and tunit4 by identical external reference', function () {
      const matcher = new phyx.TaxonomicUnitMatcher(tunit3, tunit4);
      expect(matcher.matchReason).to.include('External reference');

    it('should match tunit2 and tunit3 by identical specimen identifier', function () {
      const matcher = new phyx.TaxonomicUnitMatcher(tunit2, tunit3);
      expect(matcher.matchReason).to.include('Specimen identifier');