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 * Test conversion to OWL using the phyx2owl.js script.

const child = require('child_process');
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');

const chai = require('chai');

const expect = chai.expect;

 * Test whether we can convert Phyx files to OWL in JSON-LD using phyx2owl.js.

const PHYX2OWL_JS = 'bin/phyx2owl.js';

describe(PHYX2OWL_JS, function () {
  it('should work without any arguments', function () {
    const result = child.spawnSync(PHYX2OWL_JS, [], {
      encoding: 'utf-8',
      stdio: 'pipe',
    expect(result.stderr).to.contain('No input files provided.');
  it('should support `--help`', function () {
    const result = child.spawnSync(PHYX2OWL_JS, ['--help'], {
      encoding: 'utf-8',
      stdio: 'pipe',
    expect(result.stdout).to.contain('phyx2owl.js [files or directories to convert into OWL ontologies]');
  it('should be able to convert `brochu_2003.json`', function () {
    const PHYX_FILE = path.resolve(__dirname, '../examples/correct/brochu_2003.json');
    const NQ_FILE = path.resolve(__dirname, '../examples/correct/brochu_2003.nq');
    const OWL_FILE = path.resolve(__dirname, '../examples/correct/brochu_2003.owl');

    // If there is already a '../examples/brochu_2003.owl' file, we should delete it.
    if (fs.existsSync(OWL_FILE)) fs.unlinkSync(OWL_FILE);

    // Convert brochu_2003.json to brochu_2003.owl.
    // Because of the way in which we test brochu_2003.owl in test/examples.js,
    // we need to set a base IRI as well.
    const result = child.spawnSync(PHYX2OWL_JS, [PHYX_FILE, '--base-iri', 'http://example.org/phyx.js/example#'], {
      encoding: 'utf-8',
      stdio: 'pipe',
    expect(result.stdout).to.contain('1 files converted successfully.');

    expect(fs.existsSync(OWL_FILE), `File ${OWL_FILE} was not generated.`).to.be.true;

    // Make sure that the generated file is identical to the N-Quads file expected./
    const nqGenerated = fs.readFileSync(OWL_FILE, 'utf8');
    const nqExpected = fs.readFileSync(NQ_FILE, 'utf8');
  it('should be able to convert the entire `test/examples/correct` directory', function () {
    const EXAMPLE_DIR = path.resolve(__dirname, '../examples/correct');
    const jsonFilesInExamples = fs.readdirSync(EXAMPLE_DIR, 'utf8')
      .filter(fileName => fileName.toLowerCase().endsWith('.json'));

    const result = child.spawnSync(PHYX2OWL_JS, [EXAMPLE_DIR, '--base-iri', 'http://example.org/phyx.js/example#'], {
      encoding: 'utf-8',
      stdio: 'pipe',
    expect(result.stdout).to.match(/\d+ files converted successfully./);

    const regexMatch = result.stdout.match(/(\d+) files converted successfully./);
    const fileCount = Number(regexMatch[1]);

    // Make sure that the generated files *look* like JSON-LD files.
    fs.readdirSync(EXAMPLE_DIR, 'utf8')
      .filter(fileName => fileName.toLowerCase().endsWith('.owl'))
      .forEach((owlFilename) => {
        const nqGenerated = fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(EXAMPLE_DIR, owlFilename), 'utf8');

        // If there's an .owl file, there should an .nq file with the expected content.
        const nqFilename = `${owlFilename.substring(0, owlFilename.length - 4)}.nq`;
        const nqExpected = fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(EXAMPLE_DIR, nqFilename), 'utf8');

  // This is where we should test the recursive directory functionality. However,
  // doing that would require using `test/examples` (which isn't recursive),
  // using `test/` or the root project directory (potentially messing with other
  // test scripts). We could potentially create a separate recursive hierarchy to
  // test this, but that seems unnecessary. So we won't test this functionality
  // for now, but will add a test if we find a replicable bug in the future.
  it('should give an error if no JSON files could be found', function () {
    const result = child.spawnSync(PHYX2OWL_JS, [__dirname], {
      encoding: 'utf-8',
      stdio: 'pipe',
    expect(result.stderr).to.contain('Input files do not exist or consist of directories that do not contain JSON files: ');