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 * Test conversion on example files.

const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');

const chai = require('chai');
const Ajv = require('ajv');

const phyx = require('../src');

const expect = chai.expect;

 * Constants
// If REPLACE_EXISTING is set to true, we replace the existing JSON-LD and N-Quads
// files rather than comparing them -- not a good way to test, but useful when
// the output has changed.
const REPLACE_EXISTING = false;

 * Test whether conversion of Phyx files to an OWL ontology occurs predictably.

describe('PhyxWrapper', function () {
  const ajv = new Ajv({
    allErrors: true, // Display all error messages, not just the first.
  const validator = ajv.compile(
        path.resolve(__dirname, '../docs/context/development/schema.json')

  describe('Test all correct example Phyx files', function () {
    const examples = fs.readdirSync(path.resolve(__dirname, './examples/correct'))
      .filter(filename => filename.endsWith('.json'));

    examples.forEach((example) => {
      const basename = path.resolve(__dirname, './examples/correct', path.parse(example).name);
      const jsonFilename = `${basename}.json`;
      const jsonldFilename = `${basename}.jsonld`;
      const nqFilename = `${basename}.nq`;

      let json;
      let jsonld;
      let nq;

      describe(`Test file '${example}'`, function () {
        it('should be loadable', function () {
          json = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(jsonFilename));

        it('should validate against our JSON schema', function () {
          const valid = validator(json);
            `The following validation errors were generated: ${JSON.stringify(validator.errors, null, 2)}`

        it('should be able to convertible to an OWL Ontology', function () {
          jsonld = new phyx.PhyxWrapper(json)
          if (REPLACE_EXISTING) {
              JSON.stringify(jsonld, null, 2)

        it('should generate the same OWL ontology as it generated earlier', function () {
          const expectedJSONLD = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(jsonldFilename));

        it('should be convertible to n-quads', function () {

          return new phyx.PhyxWrapper(json)
            .toRDF('http://example.org/phyx.js/example#', path.resolve(__dirname, 'examples', 'correct'))
            .then((rdf) => {
              nq = rdf;
              if (REPLACE_EXISTING) fs.writeFileSync(nqFilename, nq);

        it('should generate the same n-quads ontology as it generated earlier', function () {
          const expectedNQ = fs.readFileSync(nqFilename).toString();

  describe('Test incorrect example Phyx files that should fail validation', function () {
    const filesThatShouldFailValidation = [
        fileName: 'examples/incorrect/no-context.json',
        expectedErrors: [{
          dataPath: '',
          keyword: 'required',
          message: "should have required property '@context'",
          params: {
            missingProperty: '@context',
          schemaPath: '#/required',
        fileName: 'examples/incorrect/invalid-specifier.json',
        expectedErrors: [
            dataPath: '.phylorefs[0].internalSpecifiers',
            keyword: 'minItems',
            message: 'should NOT have fewer than 1 items',
            params: {
              limit: 1,
            schemaPath: '#/properties/phylorefs/items/properties/internalSpecifiers/minItems',
            dataPath: '.phylorefs[0].externalSpecifiers[0].hasName',
            keyword: 'required',
            message: "should have required property 'nameComplete'",
            params: {
              missingProperty: 'nameComplete',
            schemaPath: '#/required',
            dataPath: ".phylorefs[0].externalSpecifiers[0]['@type']",
            keyword: 'enum',
            message: 'should be equal to one of the allowed values',
            params: {
              allowedValues: [
            schemaPath: '#/properties/%40type/enum',
            dataPath: '.phylorefs[0].externalSpecifiers[0].hasName',
            keyword: 'required',
            message: "should have required property 'nameComplete'",
            params: {
              missingProperty: 'nameComplete',
            schemaPath: '#/required',
            dataPath: '.phylorefs[0].externalSpecifiers[0]',
            keyword: 'additionalProperties',
            message: 'should NOT have additional properties',
            params: {
              additionalProperty: '@type',
            schemaPath: '#/definitions/taxonomic_unit_by_id/additionalProperties',
            dataPath: '.phylorefs[0].externalSpecifiers[0]',
            keyword: 'additionalProperties',
            message: 'should NOT have additional properties',
            params: {
              additionalProperty: 'hasName',
            schemaPath: '#/definitions/taxonomic_unit_by_id/additionalProperties',
            dataPath: '.phylorefs[0].externalSpecifiers[0]',
            keyword: 'additionalProperties',
            message: 'should NOT have additional properties',
            params: {
              additionalProperty: 'label',
            schemaPath: '#/definitions/taxonomic_unit_by_id/additionalProperties',
            dataPath: '.phylorefs[0].externalSpecifiers[0]',
            keyword: 'required',
            message: "should have required property '@id'",
            params: {
              missingProperty: '@id',
            schemaPath: '#/definitions/taxonomic_unit_by_id/required',
            dataPath: '.phylorefs[0].externalSpecifiers[0]',
            keyword: 'anyOf',
            message: 'should match some schema in anyOf',
            params: {},
            schemaPath: '#/anyOf',
        fileName: 'examples/incorrect/unexpected-field-in-contributor.json',
        expectedErrors: [{
          dataPath: '.contributors[0]',
          keyword: 'additionalProperties',
          message: 'should NOT have additional properties',
          params: {
            additionalProperty: 'first_name',
          schemaPath: '#/definitions/contributor/additionalProperties',
        }, {
          dataPath: '.contributors[0]',
          keyword: 'additionalProperties',
          message: 'should NOT have additional properties',
          params: {
            additionalProperty: 'last_name',
          schemaPath: '#/definitions/contributor/additionalProperties',

    filesThatShouldFailValidation.forEach((entry) => {
      describe(`Example file ${entry.fileName}`, function () {
        it('should not validate against our JSON schema', function () {
          const phyxContent = JSON.parse(
              path.resolve(__dirname, entry.fileName)
          const valid = validator(phyxContent);